We can’t get enough of them – Retro ads
Compilation of retro advertisements with an introduction by Márton Kurutz (Hungarian National Film Archive) (70'); Screening: 09.08, 10.00, Toldi Cinema, Kisterem
Starring: Budapest – shorts from the Kádár period
Shorts about Budapest from the early-Kádár era, with an introduction by Márton Kurucz (Hungarian National Film Archive) (70'). Screening: 09.09. 10.00 Toldi mozi – Kisterem
Films about the Balaton lake from the 1950s
The Hungarian 'sea' as seen in the 50's. With introduction by Márton Kurutz (Hungarian National Film Archive). Screening: 09.09. 15.30 Toldi mozi – Kisterem
Churchill and the Movie Mogul (world premier)
2018, Language: English (65’). With introduction by John Fleet and Charles Drazin (Queen Mary University); Screening: 09.07, 14.30, Toldi Cinema, Kisterem
We Never Die
Sose halunk meg, 1992, Hungary, Language: Hungarian, Subtitles: English (95'); GALA SCREENING: 09.09, 20.00, Uránia National Film Theatre. Special Guests: Róbert Koltai, Gábor Halász, László Dés, Gábor Máté, Tamás Jordán, Judit Pogány, Péter Blaskó
Cyrano de Bergerac
1990, France, Language: French, Subtitles: Hungarian (138’); Screening: 09.09, 18.45, Toldi Cinema, Kisterem
The Bloody Lady
Krvava pani, 1980, Czechoslovakia, Language: Slovak, Subtitles: English (72’) Introduction by Vanda Vacvalová (Slovak Film Institut). Screening: 09.07, 12.00, Toldi Cinema, Nagyterem
The Fifth Seal
1976, Hungary, Language: Hungarian, Subtitles: English (107’); Screening: 09.06, 22.15, Toldi Cinema, Nagyterem
João and the Knife
João en het mes, 1972, Brazilia-Nederlanden, Language: Portuguese, Subtitles: English (96’); Introduction by Mark Paul Meyer (EYE Film Institute); Screening: 09.05, 15.00, Toldi Cinema, Nagyterem
I Even Met Happy Gypsies
Skupljači perja, 1967, Yugoslavia, Language: Serb-Croat, Romanian, Subtitles: English (96’). With introduction by Aleksandar Erdeljanović (Jugoslovenska Kinoteka). Screening: 09.06, 15.30, Toldi Cinema, Nagyterem
She Returned at Dawn
Retour à l’aube, 1938, France, Language: French, Subtitles: English (90’); Screening: 09.08, 12.45, Toldi Cinema, Nagyterem
Pandora’s Box
Die Büchse von Pandora, 1929, Germany, Language: German and English Subtitles (155’); Screening: 09.06, 17.30, Toldi Cinema, Nagyterem
Travels in the Congo
Voyage ou Congo, 1927, France, Language: French and English Subtitles (100’); Screening: 09.07, 21.30, Toldi Cinema, Kisterem
Man of Gold
Az aranyember, Hungary, 1918, English and Hungarian intertitles (100’); Screening: 09.05, 19.30, open-air screening, Szent István square, FREE ENTRANCE With Live Music Accompaniment: CHANGING GREY (ZSÁGER BALÁZS & GENSER ANDRÁS)
Mania. Die Geschichte einer Zigarettenarbeiterin, 1918, Germany, German intertitles, English Subtitles (85’); WITH LIVE MUSIC ACCOMPANIMENT: CZERWIE BAND. Introduction by Elżbieta Wysocka (Polish National Film Archive). Screening: 09.06, 20.30, Toldi Cinema, Nagyterem.