The Jungle Book
American-English adventure, colour, 1942, by Zoltán Korda, Language: Hungarian, 108'

Directed by Korda Zoltán
Written by Rudyard Kipling
Screenplay by Laurence Stallings
Director of photography: Lee Garmes, W. Howard Greene
Music by Rózsa Miklós
Cast: Sabu, Joseph Calleia, John Qualen, Frank Puglia, Rosemary DeCamp, Patricia O’Rourke
Production: Alexander Korda Films
If ever there was in Hollywood a famous Hungarian, then it was the great composer MiklósRózsa, a follower of Richard Strauss, whose name became known universally through themusic in Ben Hur. Rózsa had a good sense for exotic styles and the Indian melody-aromasthat were woven into the music of The Jungle Book, which in fact was rated as acontemporary literary hit at the time the film was made. This Jungle Book was shot at a timewhen the glorious British Empire had not yet toppled, but was shaken. In today’s eyes, thesets doubtless bring somewhat of a smile to the face, but in 1942, audiences were ready toaccept the analogue effects and Kipling’s colonial ruler arrogance at face value.Furthermore, some scenes may even be familiar not only to fans of The Thief of Baghdad butStar Wars as well.