Arianna Turci since June 2019 is Head of analog film collections at the Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique – Koninklijk Belgisch Filmarchief: she is responsible of conservation, cataloguing, restoration, digitalizing and exhibition of film collections. From November 2016 to May 2019 she has been Responsible for access - acquisitions and restoration of film collections for the same institution. Nowadays she remains in charge of Access to film collection’s department ad interim. From June 2015 to October 2016 she has been Conservatrice at La Cinémathèque de Toulouse (France) where she was responsible for managing both film and non-film collections and she even coordinated the library asset. From 2006 to 2015 she has been archivist at the Archivio Nazionale Cinema d'Impresa (National Italian Industrial Film Archive – Ivrea/Italy). There she was in charge of conservation, cataloguing and restoration of industrial and advertising films. In 2004 she attended the D.E.S.S. Valorisation du Patrimoine cinématographique et audiovisual at the University of Paris VIII, in 2005 she frequented the MASTER Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image at University of Amsterdam and in 2009 she attended the Fiaf Summer School at the Cineteca di Bologna. In 2006 she published the article The Use of Digital Restoration within European Film Archives: A Case Study (The Moving Image - Volume 6, Numero 1 - AMIA – Hollywood) and in 2016 she published the article The Archivio Nazionale Cinema d’Impresa Collections: An Overview (in Bo Florin, Nico de Klerk e Patrick Vonderau (eds.), Films that Sell: Moving Pictures and Advertising, BFI/Palgrave; Cultural Histories of Cinema series).
Arianna Turci