Tentazione, black and white Italian crime film, 1942, dir: Aldo Frosi, Hans Hinrich, Language: Italian, Subtitles: Hungarian, 82’

Directed by Aldo Frosi, Hans Hinrich
Screenplay by Alessandro de Stefani
Director of photography: Renato Del Frate
Music by Ezio Carabella
Cast: Zita Szeleczky, Ferenc Kiss, Otello Toso
Genre: crime film
Production: Colosseum Film
Tentazione (Temptation, 1941), a film by Hans Hinrich and Aldo Frosi, falls into the range of Italian films either made in Hungary or featuring Hungarian stars. Cinecittá producers requested Zita Szeleczky and Ferenc Kiss for the Italian version of the Hungarian film (Kísértés) by Zoltán Farkas. At the centre of this crime drama is a rigidly moralistic Budapest judge. Magistrate Szabó is just then hearing the case of an engineer accused of murdering his wife. The judge finds himself approached by the defendant’s lover, Gizella, the beautiful singer, who pleads for him to arrange an acquittal. The film was promoted under the title Revücsillag (literally, revue star) in Hungary and the plan was to screen it dubbed into Hungarian. However, the war intervened and the premiere was cancelled.
Supporting film:
Hungarian Artists Abroad (Hungarian newsrrel, 1941, 1')