Little Apocrypha – Selection of short films from Inforg Studio
Hungarian short films, Language: Hungarian, Subtitles: none, 97'
09.24. 19:00
Toldi Small Hall
Golden Bird / Aranymadár (Directed by István Szaladják), 2000, 28'
Grenades / Gránátok (Directed by Péter Politzer ), 2003, 18'
Before Dawn (Directed by Bálint Kenyeres), 2004, 12'
Little Apocrypha No. 1 / Kis Apokrif No 1. (Directed by Kornél Mundruczó), 2004, 6'
Slitfilm / Résfilm (Directed by Sándor Kardos ), 2005 19'
With a Little Patience / Türelem (Directed by László Nemes Jeles), 2007, 14',
Between 2000 and 2010, Inforg Studio was the focal point of Hungarian film culture, carrying on the fresh, experimental intellectual heritage of BBS. Young artists who by today have significant oeuvres started out here; many could try out genres and techniques that elsewhere they would never have had the opportunity of doing. The Inforg team that collected numerous awards included such artists as Bence Fliegauf, Kornél Mundruczó, László Nemes, István Szaladják, Péter Politzer, the Kálmánchelyi-Végh-Stefanovics-trio, Bálint Kenyeres, Lehel Oláh and Kriszta Bódis. The programme selecting from among the treasures in the Inforg archives seeks an answer – from the distance of a decade – to the questions: what was the studio’s significance and what was the secret of its success.
Inforg Studio Archive