Sándor Reisenbüchler – Short Films
Animated short film selection, 1973-1992, 67’

09.26. 16:45
Toldi Main Hall
Directed by Sándor Reisenbüchler
The Kidnapping of the Sun and the Moon / A Nap és a Hold elrablása, 1968, 11’
When I Was A Little Kid / Amikor én még kis srác voltam, 1969, 4’
The Year of 1812 (War and Peace) / Az 1812-es év, 1973, 11’
The Inauguration of a Mechanical Bird in 2895, in New York City / Gépmadár-avatás 2895-ben New York Cityben, ahogy az öreg Jules Verne elképzelte, 1981, 4’
A Peacemaking Expedition / Békéltető expedíció a Mars bolygóra, 1983, 11’
Farewell Little Island / Isten veled, kis sziget, 1987, 11’
Green Warnings For Every Day / Zöld intelmek minden napra, 1992, 5’
Ecotopia / Ecotópia, 1995, 6’
Merry Apocalypse / Boldog világvége, 1999, 4’
Sándor Reisenbüchler is frequently referred to as the ‘loneliest artist’ of Hungarian cinema, the ‘hermit’ of animation. It was characteristic of his one-man, markedly auteuristic working method that he formulated his film plans in a free verse-like way instead of through a storyboard traditionally used in the production of animated films. In his visionary collage films breaking with the traditional tools, he presented the universal struggle between Good and Evil of fairy tales. The central question of his films is the responsibility civilization bears for culture, environment and nature.
In his near four-decade professional career stretching between 1965 and 2002, he made just 16 films. Their full, 4K digital restoration was carried out by the National Film Institute’s Film Archive and Filmlabor in the course of 2020.
NFI Hungary – Film Archive