Throughout the history of film, even from the earliest days, specifically female-orientedtopics have been tackled and strong women have been found on both sides of the camera. They may have been actresses, directors, producers, and they may have worked in other areasof filmmaking. And yet, men have long dominated (and continue to do so today) the profession, and a significant proportion of stories are depicted from the aspect of men. This year’s Film Marathon programme reserves a special place for female artists and the female viewpoint, from the early days of film to the more recent period. There is an exciting portrait film by the first female director, Alice Guy-Blaché, and several silent films from the 1910s and 20s where female characters were portrayed as strong and nuanced. Among the charismatic divas who served as role models for millions we can marvel at the talent of Hungarian-born international star of silent films, Lya de Putti, in Ewald André Dupont’s Varieté, and we can meet Magda Vášáryová, who is attending the festival in person. The compilation honours the oeuvre of Márta Mészáros with screenings of Heiresses (Örökség) and Don’t Cry, Pretty Girls (Szép lányok, ne sírjatok), while we can see Mari Törőcsik in Electra, My Love (Szerelmem, Elektra) and Fly and Flicker (Teketória).