Empty Horses
Üres lovak, Hungarian biography, colour, 2019, by Péter Lichter, Language: Hungarian, Subtitles: English, 70'

Directed by Péter Lichter
Screenplay by Bence Kránicz, Péter Lichter, Gábor Roboz
Produced by: Dóra Nedeczky, Péter Lichter, Bori Máté
Director of photography: Dávid Gerencsér
Music by Ádám Márton Horváth
Cast: Pál Mácsai, Roland Rába
Film history adventuring for experts, proving that with the help of (film)memory everything is possible. Stepping beyond time and space, the ghosts of two legendary Hungarian filmmakers, Mihály Kertész (Michael Curtiz) and Gábor Bódy, meet and get into a dialogue in front of a movie screen as their conversation is accompanied by strange visions. The experimental collage combining classics and works of avant-garde artists dating from the early days to the 1980s builds on associations, and induces a particular sensation in the viewer, illuminating hitherto hidden correlations. Watching Empty Horses, we feel that the trend of experimental filmmaking is far from being in decline, indeed it is on the up and up.