
Jon Wengström, Senior Curator, The Swedish Film Institute, Stockholm


16.05 Challenges for the archive: the Geesink commercials (20')
Leenke Ripmeester, EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Language: English

16.25 (In)visibility of Central European non-majority cultures in film collections (20')
Michal Klodner, Markéta Bártová, Národní filmový archiv, Prague, Czech Republic
Language: English

16.45 Documenting the Imperfect Life for the Bright Future – Digitizing the Films of the Staatliche Filmdokumentation (SFD) at the Bundesarchiv (20')
Adelheid Heftberger, Dirk Förstner, Bundesarchive, Germany
Language: English

17.05 Provisional ends: The research of non-fiction collections / Finales provisionales: l investigación de collecciones fílmicas (20')
Tzutzumatzin Soto, Cineteca Nacional de México
Language: Spanish 

17.25 Discussion (15')