In this presentation I will expose the challenges and contributions of the cataloging of the Garrido Canabal Collection, as a result of its recent digitization and the development of a collective research process. Its cataloging signifies a contribution to the way of describing non-fiction collections in the Cineteca Nacional de México, This collection consists on forty nine 35mm nitrate film rolls (8 hours and forty minutes of images) that show Tabasco, in the Mexican southeast, after the Mexican Revolution, between 1924 and 1934. Its cataloguing began in the middle of the 1990s, being truncated until 2016 and provisional concluded, in 2021. I propose, with my presetation, to reflect on the working and technological conditions, as well as the cataloging policies that influence the way in which a collection is considered as "duly cataloged", assuming decisions regarding the provisional limits that we consider in a project of this nature.

Tzutzumatzin Soto
Cineteca Nacional de México

Activist of the preservation and public access to audiovisual archives in Mexico. Graduated in Latin American Studies from UNAM, Master in Communication and Politics from UAM, she also has a postgraduate degree in Management, Preservation and Dissemination of Photographic Collections from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Since 2012 she has collaborated in the organization and access of the Videographic, Iconographic and Digital collections of the Cineteca Nacional de Mexico, where she published the CN Iconographic Collections Guide in 2013 and its update in 2020. Since 2015, she coordinates the Seminar on Experiences of Archive, space for exchange between those interested in issues of ownership, organization, digitization and dissemination of audiovisual collections. Her lines of research are: the use of audiovisual archives and the history of institutional and community audiovisual archives. Her latest articles are: From the registry to the archive: the evolution of the ethnographic image in the National Indigenous Institute (Martínez, Julieta y Soto, Tzutzumatzin, Iztapalapa. Revista de Ciencias y Humanidades 2021), Archival Impulse: The Desire of the Narrator(Seen Journal, 2021) and The sad end for a very good movie (Forsberg, Walter, Pardo, Elena y Soto, Tzutzumatzin, Creative Commons México, 2022) (in press).