The departing conductor Bachó at home

Status: incomplete
Recording: 13 December 1913
Insert: The departing conductor Bachó at home

Background to film report:

13 December 1913

Szabóky utca 15, Budapest

Kino-Riport approached István Bachó, at one time Budapest’s most popular military conductor, at his home when, after 40 years of service, he was forced to retire from leading his beloved band, the Budapest 29th Infantry Regiment Band. However, he was not to have a long retirement; two weeks later he travelled to a new service station, the court of Egyptian Khedive Abbas Hilmi in Cairo. In bidding farewell, he thanked his loyal audience by quoting the first line of the Hungarian National Anthem and promising that when he could once again conduct in Budapest, this would be the first piece he would perform with his ensemble.

Kino-Riport footage:

Insert of the film report

István Bachó conductor in the frame of the film report (source: NFI)

Photographs and illustrations relevant to the event:

Tolnai Világlapja, 1913. november 9.

Új Idők, 1914.01.01

Az Érdekes Ujság, 1914. január 25.


Pesti Napló, 1913. december 14.