Stage authors of the week – The authors of Sibill in the excitement before the premiere

Status: incomplete
Premiere: 23 February 1914
Insert: Authors of Sibill in the excitement before the premiere – Bródy, Martos and Jakobi negotiate with director Beöthy in the theatre courtyard

(source: Az Est, 1914. február 24.)

Background to film report:

23 February 1914 (before)

Courtyard of Király Theatre, Király utca 71., Budapest

27 February 1914 marked the premiere of the latest operetta by Viktor Jakoby, Ferenc Martos and Miksa Bródy, Sibill, starring Sári Fedák. Originally, the theatre director László Beöthy intended to debut the work in the next season, but such was the interest in the latest piece by the authors of Leányvásár that he saw the sense of running it earlier. Hurried preparations got underway, in the week before the premiere there were rehearsals in both the morning and afternoon, and in the tailor’s workshops and paint studios the magnificent costumes and beautiful stage sets are almost ready for the debut performance.

József Bécsi

Kino-Riport footage:

Sibill (forrás: NFI)

Other photographs relevant to the event:


Az Est, 1914. január 24.
Az Ujság, 1914. február 5.
Pesti Hírlap, 1914. február 18.
Budapesti Hírlap, 1914. február 19.