MTK–FTC championship match

Status: missing
Premiere: 16 February 1914

(Világ, 15 February 1914)

Background to film report:

2.30 pm 15 February 1914

Frost-covered pitch of Hungária Road sports ground, Budapest

In the first match of the season, Hungarian Physical Exercise Society (MTK) football team defeated the best Hungarian team, FTC, 4:1, thereby guaranteeing them the championship that FTC had held for five years in succession. Team captain Henrik Vida contributed the lion’s share to the victory. FTC line-up: Domonkos, Rumbold, Payer, Weinber, Bródy, Blum, Weisz, Potya, Pataki, Schlosser, Dr. Borbás; MTK line-up: Knapp, Révész, Csüdör, Bíró, Hlavay, Vágó, Tauszig, Kertész II., Rácz, Owen, Klein. The referee was Ákos Fehéry (BAK), and linesmen Ödön Steinhübel (BTC) and Ödön Schaschek (BTC). The 20,000 enthusiastic supporters combatted the intense chill with woollen blankets, footwarmers and broadcloth scarves.

Kino-Riport footage:

“In the frame of a sensational programme, the audience wildly applauded the film footage of János Fröhlich’s and Aladár Fodor’s kino-report on yesterday’s exciting football match between Hungarian Physical Exercise Society (MTK) and Ferenczváros Gymnastics Club (FTC), which ended in defeat for the latter. The faces of more than 20,000 people seated in the stadium can be clearly picked out in this magnificent film.”

Photographs and illustrations relevant to the event:


Az Est, 1914. február 16.
Az Ujság, 1914. február 17.
Budapesti Hírlap, 1914. február 17.
Az Érdekes Ujság, 1914. március 15.