Babochay-Hajdu duel with fatal consequences

Status: missing
Premiere: 23 February 1914

Mozihirdetés (Az Est, 24 February 1914)

Background to film report:

After 1 pm 20 February 1914 (time of the duel)
3 pm (benediction, departure of funeral cortege), 5 pm (funeral) 23 February 1914

Riding school barracks of the Logistics horse-drawn regiment (duel), Aréna Road; Ilka Street (Zsigmond Babochay’s statement to two journalists); garrison hospital No. 16, Hungária Boulevard (benediction of the body); Farkasrét military cemetery, Budapest

Private official Zsigmond Babochay shot his wife’s brother, Lieutenant István Hajdu, in a duel. The reason for the fatal duel, to which the victim himself, István Hajdu, as an officer, had insisted, was family litigation. The case was not reported to the police until 9 pm the same evening, only after which investigations could begin. Zsigmond Babochay was so shocked by the incident that it was only two days later that he felt able to talk to reporters, among them Pesti Napló crime columnist Aladár Fodor and János Fröhlich, police reporter with the daily Az Ujság (founders and editors of Kino-Riport).

István Hajdu was laid to rest with full military honours. The funeral procession was headed by mounted police and a military band, followed by the army chaplain, followed by an honour guard of the 44th Infantry Regiment. The hearse drawn by six horses came after the wreath carriages. The lieutenant’s orderly, walking in front of the horses, carried the officer’s decorations on a velvet cushion. Budapest officer corps were present at the funeral in a single body. The funeral cortege passed along Lehel Street, Váci Road and Lipót (today Szent István) Boulevard, across Margaret Bridge and into Farkasrét cemetery.

József Bécsi

Kino-Riport footage:

“Magyar Journál introduces the figures involved in the tragedy, the scene of the catastrophe and the funeral of Lieutenant Hajdu”

“The first picture depicts the barracks where the fatal duel was arranged. The second picture captures the moment after the duel, as Mrs. Zsigmond Babochay rushes home after the outcome of the duel. The third picture depicts Zsigmond Babochay as he speaks to the journalists (Aladár Fodor and János Fröhlich). (Recording by János Fröhlich and Aladár Fodor for Kino-Riport)”

A Kino-Riport felvételei

Photographs relevant to the event:


Pesti Napló, 1914. február 21.
Pesti Napló, 1914. február 22.
Pesti Napló, 1914. február 24.
Az Ujság, 1914. február 24.