Ambulance crews on exercise

Status: missing
Premiere: 8 December 1913 (newsreel No. 3.)

Background to film report:

December 1913 (before 8 December 1913)

Bálint (today Cházár András) Street; Rókus hospital (?) Budapest


In the majority of content information for newsreel No. 3. all that is written with regard to the film report is: “Ambulance crews on exercise”, or “exercises of ambulance crews”. However, in one place the following is written: “The Budapest Succi, who collapses in Bálint Street after 10-days of starvation, is taken to Rókus hospital by ambulance.” (The Succi refers to the famous Italian hunger artist.) However, this event belongs equally to this film report as to another film report, Slum settlements of the capital, but it could have been a separate report, too. Without sources, for the moment we don’t know any more than this about the film report, the events depicted or their characters.

Photographs relevant to the event:


Az Ujság, 1913. december 9.
Az Ujság, 1913. december 10.
Az Ujság, 1913. december 11.